February 24, 2021
Yesterday was a busy day of filming some new programs, but I took some time in the afternoon to pop into our Members area and saw this:
The picture may be a bit blurry because it’s a screenshot form a video
John posted of him walking in the snow.
It put a big smile on my face.
John’s journey had been remarkable to watch unfold.
Sometimes in life, things are gonna look bad.
You will suffer.
You will hurt.
Everything will be turned upside down in what feels like an instant and you will be left with two choices:
1. Wallow in self-pity, frustration, fear, anxiety, and discouragement or…
2. Rise above it all, DESIGN A NEW PATH, and pursue a new life vision with passionate persistence.
Five years ago, John laid in a hospital bed paralyzed from the neck down from an aggressive and rare form of MS.
As he listened to the clicking of monitors, felt the tube piercing his throat and the throb of his IV needles in his arm, he realized that his life as he knew it was over.
His arms didn’t work his legs didn’t work, and the odds of him sitting up, standing, or walking again were not good.
About a year and a half ago, when John finished the MS Walk here in Denver, he shared with me that it was in that hospital bed that he had to let go of who he WAS.
WOW, how many people do you know that just outrightly
TAKE OWNERSHIP over their life like that and then take action to
REBUILD a new life in the face of utter destruction.
The only part of his body John felt he COULD move was his toes.
So that is where he started.
He wiggled those toes over and over and over until his foot moved, then his ankle, then his fingers, wrists, legs, and arms after MONTHS AND MONTHS of hope-driven wiggling.
Last May, John posted this:
Take a sec to feel the DEPTH of John’s journey.
MS destroyed his body.
MS dismantled his career.
MS completely demolished what he had built.
MS almost took his life.
BUT Johnny never quit, he never give in, and he never backed down even during the WORST days where it seemed impossible that healing would happen.
He just kept moving… and now he walks UNASSISTED along his path toward victory.
I will never forget the first time I met John Duham in person.
It was right before our first MS Walk together.
(Above Photo: John and I at MS Walk in Denver 2018)
We were waiting for the event to start and he turned to me and said,
“MS saved my life and made me a good person. I was on the path to losing the people I loved because I was so focused on me and my career. MS stopped me in my tracks, dropped me to the floor, and showed me that I needed to rebuild my life and do it better. Thank you for being part of this.”
John Dunham along with the rest of my MS Gym athletes are MY HEROES.
You are fighters.
You are survivors.
You are champions.
My role is to provide you the movement plans, coaching, community, and support to focus, guide, and unlock YOUR POTENTIAL to move and heal.
Do what Johnny did and just start. As you read, he started The MS Gym by wiggling his toes while he lay flat on his back 95% paralyzed.
So what can you do?
How much of your body can YOU move?
I bet most of you have a body that is much more functional that
Johnny was as his lowest.
You have what it takes to counteract MS.
Your brain can change. Your body can heal.
You can counteract your symptoms IF you follow the right path.
If you’re ready to start down that path with me and the rest of The MS Gym Nation, please CLICK THE LINK BELOW and get started with our MS 30 program.
Your victory story is waiting. Move toward it.
Coach Trevor
PS If you would like to watch John taking his first steps, Click here to watch John take his first unassisted steps since 2015